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LoL TFT Patch 9.23 Notes — Ranked games return!

LoL TFT Patch 9.23 Notes — Ranked games return!
Table of Contents
  • Trait Balance Changes
  • Champion Balance Changes
  • Item Balance Changes

Ranked queue is back in Teamfight Tactics alongside patch 9.23! Get ready to grind the ladder with all the new features brought by Rise of the Elements!

LoL TFT Patch 9.23 Notes — Ranked games return!

Without a doubt, Rise of the Elements gave a second wind to Teamfight Tactics.

Following the adjustment of player damage, the last meta used to be quite unhealthy since you had enough health pool to brute-force the best compositions of the game pretty much all the time. Our games used to be swarmed of unkillable Knights supported by Shapeshifters and Dragons, but thankfully everything has now changed.

Economy management feels much more interesting, especially since several strategies rose. From 'hyper-rolling' to 'open-forting', you can now consider several options to build your roster. Overall, it just feels that this new set offers a wide range of possibilities that were completely impossible in the previous one.

Slowly but steadily, Teamfight Tactics is becoming a game in which you can play with every champions and traits — which is precisely the point of a good auto-battler.

That being said, the meta still looks a bit unfair, especially since some traits and champions seem much weaker than the other ones.

Patch 9.23 address this, fixing some bug while balancing some traits and champions that were definitely over performing.

Table of Contents


Ranked Games return

Ranked games are back alongside Patch 9.23 with a bunch of changes!

Patch 9.23 will not only tweak lot of champions and traits to balance them, but will also bring ranked games back to Teamfight Tactics! Are you ready to grind the ladder and snatch that Grandmaster border?!

True Damage Little Legends

True Damage Little Legends blast onto the Convergence alongside Patch 9.23!

We didn't ask for True Damage Little Legends, but Riot Games delivered anyway — and we can't stress enough how happy we are. These absolutely gorgeous companions will soon join the Convergence, and the least we can say is that we're thrilled by their design!

Trait Balance Changes

  • Glacial
  • Light
  • Ocean
  • Shadow
  • Warden

Champion changes

  • Three-Star Ability Scaling
  • Balance Changes: 

Tier 1: Ivern, Maokai, Nasus, Taliyah, Vayne, Vladimir

Tier 2: Malzahar, Rek'Sai, Skarner, Thresh, Yasuo

Tier 3: Ezreal

Tier 4: Ashe, Brand, Malphite, Olaf

Tier 5: Singed, Taric

Item Changes

  • Frozen Heart
  • Guardian Angel
  • Iceborn Gauntlet
  • Ionic Spark
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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