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LoL Patch 10.12 notes: Massive changes to Ghost

LoL Patches
LoL Patch 10.12 notes: Massive changes to Ghost
Table of Contents
  • New Skins and Chromas
  • Champion Balance Changes
  • Rune & Summoner Spell Balance Changes
  • Elemental Terrain
  • Miscellaneous

After the ADC buff, and before they tackle midlaners, Riot Games are targeting runes for changes, while teasing tweaks to the Elemental Rifts

LoL Patch 10.12 notes: Massive changes to Ghost

Twenty-four weeks and twelve League of Legends patch cycles later, Riot Games is preparing some big changes for the Elemental Rifts — some of them being considered too weak.

LoL: Elemental Rifts and Runes changes in Patch 10.12

Riot Games is finally targeting ADC for a buff, but they're also planning big changes for Elemental Rifts and runes — to the point that the meta will drastically change.

Patch 10.12 will also bring two new High Noon skins as well as a brand new Hextech skin for Nocturne! 

Runes are also targeted by this quite heavy update that should certainly help to balance the current meta. However, the biggest news is certainly the huge buff brought to Ghost...

Table of Contents

  • New Skins and Chromas: High Noon (Senna, Irelia), Hextech Nocturne
  • Champion Balance Changes: Akali, brand, Cassiopeia, Fiddlesticks, Senna, Trundle, Varus, Viktor, Volibear, Xayah, Yasuo
  • Runes Balance Changes: Approach Velocity, Guardian, Predator, Unflinching
  • Summoner Spell Balance Changes: Ghost
  • Elemental Terrain: Infernal and Cloud Rift
  • Miscellaneous: New Summoner Icons
Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

Sparda100 3 years ago

kinda sucks the fun out of predator ngl

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