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LoL TFT Patch 10.2 notes: Woodland Lux is here!

LoL TFT Patch 10.2 notes: Woodland Lux is here!
Table of Contents
  • System Changes
  • Item Balance Changes
  • Trait Changes
  • Champions Balance Changes

Weeks go by and patches come one after another to balance and above all transform the meta. Patch 10.2 won't be different, especially since it's bringing a new iteration of Lux and a new threshold for Woodland!

LoL TFT Patch 10.2 notes: Woodland Lux is here!

Patch 10.1 was just released and the meta of Teamfight Tactics is currently completely dominated by Lights and Lunar. A few weeks ago, the Light trait was considered one of the worst of the game, but with the addition of Leona and Karma, and because of the huge buff it received, it's now completely broken.

Give a Talisman of Light to your Zed, and enjoy seeing your Shadows deal all the job. It's indeed one of the hardest composition to achieve, but it feels completely unbeatable.

Patch 10.2 is introducing a new trait threshold for Woodlands by introducing Woodland Lux to the pool!

Table of Contents

  • System Changes: Game Length, Item System, Quality of life changes
  • Item Balance Changes: Bramble Vest, Bloodthirster, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Hextech Gunblade, Iceborn Gauntlet, Locket of the Iron Solari, Luden's Echo
  • Trait Balance Changes: Assassin, Blademaster, Desert, Inferno, Mage, Shadow, Warden, Woodland
  • Champion Balance Changes:

Tier 1: Leona
Tier 2: Malzahar
Tier 3: Ezreal, Karma, Sion, Sivir, Veigar
Tier 4: Olaf

Three-Star Champion Adjustments: Renekton, Vladimir, Ashe

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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