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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare — How to get a watch, Guide to equippable watches

All About Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare — How to get a watch, Guide to equippable watches

It is possible in Modern Warfare to equip a watch, but what is its use? How do you obtain them? This guide to watch selection reveals all!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare — How to get a watch, Guide to equippable watches

One of the new features in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the possibility for operators to equip a watch. Little information is available, but various rumours suggest that this accessory would take the form of a kind of 'Tamagunchi'.

Here we explain how they are obtained and what their uses are.

How do you obtain watches?

You will not have the opportunity to earn watches for free as soon as the game is launched. Currently, they are only available by making purchases as follows:

  • Purchase the Call of Dury Endowment Defender Pack, available in-game for $9.99 and benefits charity.
  • Take part in the promotion offered by Totino's, exclusive to the U.S.
  • With the Battle Pass.

For the moment, there are no other ways to get a watch in Modern Warfare, but we will modify this article as soon as more information is known!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

What do the watches do?

First of all, the watch has an essentially aesthetic purpose:

  • It allows you to customize your Operator in the same way as the Charms on your weapons.
  • It allows you to use the Check Your Watch emote, allowing you to take a closer look at it.
  • It allows you to tell the local time... and nothing more.

However, it also provides some notable features, such as :

  • The famous Tamagunchi, where you have to take care of your pet,
  • A pedometer,
  • An elimination counter

Please note that the watch has no use in combat, it is just an accessory for your playing pleasure.

Season 1 of Modern Warfare is here!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 1 is upon us, so check out everything you can expect from one of Activision's flagship franchises.

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